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EU member states (including Switzerland and Norway): 2014
(at current prices)
GDP in millions of euros / GDP per capita in euro / Economic growth
Country GDP (in Mio. euro) GDP p. c. (in euro) Economic growth
European Union (28 countries) 14.001.004 27.600 1,6
Austria 330.418 38.700 0,6
Belgium 400.805 35.900 1,7
Bulgaria 42.762 5.900 1,3
Croatia 42.978 10.200 -0,5
Cyprus 17.567 20.600 -1,5
Czech Republic 156.660 14.900 2,7
Denmark 265.233 47.000 1,7
Estonia 19.758 15.000 2,8
Finland 205.474 37.600 -0,6
France 2.139.964 32.300 0,6
Germany 2.923.930 36.100 1,6
Greece 177.941 16.300 0,4
Hungary 104.953 10.600 4,0
Ireland 193.160 41.900 8,5
Italy 1.620.381 26.700 0,1
Latvia 23.608 11.800 2,1
Lithuania 36.590 12.500 3,5
Luxembourg 49.273 88.300 4,7
Malta 8.426 19.700 8,4
Netherlands 663.008 39.300 1,4
Norway 375.894 73.200 1,9
Poland 410.990 10.700 3,3
Portugal 173.079 16.600 0,9
Romania 150.358 7.600 3,1
Slovakia 75.946 14.000 2,6
Slovenia 37.332 18.100 3,1
Spain 1.037.025 22.300 1,4
Sweden 432.691 44.600 2,6
Switzerland 530.038 64.700 2,0
United Kingdom 2.260.805 35.000 3,1

Source: Eurostat, URL: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu